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Thank you for visiting us today. It is our prayer that you experience
the wonderful presence of God and that you
have been transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Our Mission and goal here is to:-
Transform the life of somebody we come in contact with daily by: –
a) Allowing God to Influencing your way of thinking through His Word;
b) Ensuring you don’t remain the same and having a testimony to share

How we care

By meeting the needs of somebody through

a) Showing Love and Care Always
b) Seeing you grow in His presence

Making you feel important and appreciated by speaking life transforming words

Not looking down on anybody as they can be your helper tomorrow

We hope you have a blessed time with us and our church programmes tailored to your needs.

We also hope you will be a part of what the Lord is doing here by making our Church your Church.

Welcome! God bless you!

Join a Department in Church today